SEL-Promise: Processes and Information Technology for the Systemic Governance of Intelligent Organizations
SEL-Promise is a research group of the Software Engineering Lab (SEL-UC3M) of Carlos III University of Madrid. Lead by Dr. Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, this research areaopens several research branches oriented to the study, analysis and development of the different elements that will allow the definition of a knowledge management global strategywhose deployment and use will allow to create and strengthen intelligent institutions, understanding by intelligent institutions those able to learn everything their members learn, providing them a collective memory about the know-how of the institution.
Main research lines:
- Applied Systems Thinking to:
- Digital Business Evolution.
- Software Engineering Rational and Software and Technology-based solutions.
- Innovative Mechanisms to support systems thinking emergence properties; Big Data, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence.
- Software Engineering Economics.
- Innovative processess for software production costs rationalization.
- Knowledge Management and Engineering methods.
- Cognitive models and dynamic decision-making simulation.
Within this group is developed the research line of Processes and Information Technologies for the Systemic Governance of Intelligent Organizations (PROMISE) (
This research line arises to answer a series of questions that are raised about how to obtain maximum yield to the knowledge that possesses any organization and especially the knowledge intensive ones, within the framework of a digital and knowledge society. Currently, knowledge is not being used as a lever to reach the strategic or business objectives of an organization, which, while it does not stop them from having benefits, is reducing their competitive capacities as well as long-term sustainability. Knowledge itself is a slippery concept, complex to identify, manage and value and is certainly an intangible value, these characteristics, turn their management into an art where many factors and elements converge and create emerging interactions, so the reductionist thinking is short having to resort to systemic thinking to be able to encompass the dynamic context of interactions that arise around knowledge, and its government, understanding as such, its management and valuation. The mission of this line research is the definition of processes and technologies based on the general systems theory, appropriate to benefit the organization of the competitive advantage that corporate knowledge provides to any organization and thus be able to successfully achieve its business and strategic objectives.
If you want to know our vision, we invite you to watch the following video...
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